Selasa, 04 September 2007

Logistics Day From Hell

HOKAY. I don't think I've been assigned to post on this blog, but I will anyway, for 2 reasons:
1. I FINALLY have some down time!
2. The more posts, the better, no? Whoever was assigned for today, feel free to post something else (especially if you'd like to write a review of Sekayu Sports Championship, most of which I had to miss, boo) and I'll be more than happy to blog again on another day.

So, today was set to be a logistical nightmare. I had been nervous all night since I wrote out our bus schedule and the list of little but crucial details that needed to be done in between.

I'm happy to say that pretty much everything has gone according to plan, albeit a few of them at the very last minute.

I was a little frantic this morning--the bus was late, some of the kids were still showering 20 minutes after they were supposed to leave, me oversleeping an hour.. FET! But I think everything fell into place once we got the gears turning, and I'm pretty happy about how all of the projects have turned out. We had a fabulous time at SD Muara Teladan (the children were adorable) and from what I saw, S2C seemed like it was a huge success! Hell fucking YEAH.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone on the team for doing their part to ensure everything ran smoothly and make my life easier. Special thanks to...

  • Miloni for saving my ass at the photocopy center this morning, the center's flash drive was nowhere to be found and important papers were successfully printed thanks to her fabulous, hot pink thumb drive.
  • John-John and Miloni for being super understanding about the candy situation and settling for a few boxes of our abundant supply of peanuts.
  • Eugene and Kim for running over to the radio station on your own to hand over the sound clip.
  • Lijing and Eliza (and whoever else it was) for buying the poster papers yourself, it was nice to have one more thing crossed off the shopping list.
  • My lovely co-leaders Mister Potato and Ms. Chiou for taking off some of my load when it was most hectic--taking care of sick Dewi Sartika, buying food for the team, dropping stuff off at the tournament.
  • The radio team for somehow getting the bus driver to pick them up from SMA 2 when I had completely forgotten to tell the driver to (I called him in a panic at 5PM when I remembered, and he told me he had already dropped them off at the Bundaran--that was a pleasant surprise)
All of you guys have been super supportive, yay team!

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