Minggu, 02 September 2007

Pimpin Press


In the morning, the cool, exclusive radio group went to the marketplace to interview some people about sanitation. When we got off, all thoughts of inconspicuous interviewing disappeared. Why? We have a stocky white guy with his sunglasses on, taking pictures, and jutting out his pointy nose and chin. Next to him stands a female who, if being white wasn't enough, towered over all the the traditional taxi cab drivers asking for her money. And then there's the asian dude who can't walk through the market without hunching because the locals didn't string the overhanging tarp high enough.

Back at the hotel, everyone poked fun at Terrance again because his 'blog' sounded like 'bloke' which also sounded like 'block.' Then there was a conversation with the children where they said Eugene looked like batman because of his pointy nose and chin. A 'rare product' they exclaimed. And while some sort of 'fan club' has been formed to celebrate this 'rare product' there are also several other girls who keep their distanse because they are scared of his uniqueness. Or so they say.

Quote of the day:
Lijing: "When I saw Nilda's sister today, it was so breathtaking. She wore a tudong and her face was so innocent and pure.:

P.S. While lijing is rather uptight with cleanliness and perhaps proud of his observations with megan's wardrobe, it hadn't escaped me that he wore the same flowery board shorts for 3 straight days.

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